Enable debugging in Sitemagic CMS

Before writing code you should make sure your server does not hide information about PHP errors. This will help you easily identify errors in your code. Simply open index.php on your server, and change the value of the $debug variable to true.

$debug = true;

if ($debug === true)

Also make sure to put Sitemagic CMS in debug mode, allowing the system to detect and log errors that occure in your code. To do so simply open config.xml.php on your server for editing, and change the Debug option to True:

<?php exit(); ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <entry key="Debug" value="True"/>
In case of errors or misbehaviour, check for log entries in the SMLog.xml.php file in the data folder on your server, or the SMLog database table if MySQL has been enabled.