Introduction to pages

Almost all content on your website will be added using pages. A page may contain text, images, videos, links, tables, forms, and more.
To gain access to your pages, first make sure you are logged in, and then go to Content > Pages.
The first thing we see is something like shown below. On the left side we have the Properties form used to create new pages, or edit meta data for existing pages. Below the form we have the Header and Footer section that allows us to modify the header and footer of our website. Finally we'll find the Pages section on the right listing all our existing pages. Click on any page to select it, and then use the buttons below the list to perform an action with the selected page.
Notice that creating a new page will not magically make it appear in the navigation menu like you may be used to with other Content Management Systems. Sitemagic CMS lets you manage and control the content of the menu, so you will have to create a menu link yourself.
If we select a page and click the Edit content button, the Page Editor will open like shown below. It will be familiar to anyone that has worked with Microsoft Word or a similar word processor.

We have highlighted the most important buttons in the toolbar - let's go over them.

  • Button 1 can be used to save changes to a page.

  • Button 2 is obviously a menu that allows us to turn selected text into different types of headlines.

  • Button 3 allows us to add Page Extensions such as External Modules (which are used for videos, social media plugins, maps, and much more), e-mail contact forms, and more.

  • Button 4 can be used to turn selected text into links or action buttons.

  • Button 5 is used to insert an image at the position of the text cursor.

  • Button 6 lets us add Fluid Grids, Fluid Grid Cards, or Data Tables.
    Button 7 is used with the features from Button 6 and lets us change the size of Grid Cells and Grid Cards.
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